- Eat 1400 calories per day. Eat all 1400 calories.
- Drink 16 oz of water at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- NO sugar. Period.
- Exercise every day but Sunday.
- New Super Food: yams, the orange ones. Packed with vitamins, try them for dinner or snack. No-no to butter. See this link for ways to cook it healthy.
- Meal repetition is the simplest way to start eating better. It takes out the guess work and uncertainty.
- Prepare your meal and eat only when it's all done and you are sitting at the table.
- Try eating before you cook for your kids.
- Plan to workout before one of your meals or snacks. This will help you satisfy your ravenous post-workout hunger without cheating.
- Follow the plan at will. But if you follow it you WILL see improvements!
- Check the bottom of the blog for links, apps, and recipes that will be helpful and motivational.
- Leave comments with your progress, and strong or weak moments.
Feel free to substitute but stay in the calorie limit.
Remember Protein is King for weight loss.
Feel free to substitute but stay in the calorie limit.
Remember Protein is King for weight loss.
- Choose ONE carb: 1 piece whole wheat toast, one serving cream of wheat, quinoa, plain oatmeal, or nine grain hot cereal.
- 1 protein: 1-2 eggs cooked any way you like, use only cooking spray, no butter.
- 1 complex carb: 1/2 cup fruit or 1/2 piece of fruit.
- 16 oz water
See posted snacks lists
LUNCH: 300 calories
- One serving (approx 1.5 cups) of soup of the day. OR
- Choose ONE Protein: two servings of sandwich meat or tuna, 1-2 eggs (if you didn't eat any with breakfast), chicken, other lean meat
- 1 carb: 1 slice wheat bread.
- 1-2 vegetable servings: salad, steamed veg, sweet potatoes steamed or baked, or other vegetable you like.
- 16 oz water
- **the best thing to do for lunch is to make a lean stock and vegetable based soup with lean protein in it, and eat it all week.
See posted snacks lists
DINNER: 400 calories
- Eat what your family eats, but don't snitch while you cook! Try to lighten it up fat-wise for everyone's benefit.
- Eat a half sized portion (particularly of noodles, rice, or bread).
- Add a salad or other vegetables to round it out. Remember protein and veggies are free game!
- Don't forget those 16 oz of water!
Cold Day Chicken Soup
Adapted from this Shape Magazine article:
Cold Day Chicken Soup
Adapted from this Shape Magazine article:
- 1 tablespoon coconut/olive oil
- 1 yellow onion, chopped
- 3 carrots, grated
- 2 celery stalks, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- 8 cups low-sodium chicken broth
- 3 cups diced chicken breast (boiling in the chicken stock is easiest)
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 apple, chopped
- 1 dash pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
- Zest of 1 lemon
- 2 cups unsweetened coconut/skim milk
- 1 dash salt
In a large pot over medium heat, melt coconut oil. Add onion, carrot, and celery, cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes. Stir in garlic and curry powder and cook 2 minutes. Add chicken broth, chicken, bay leaf, apple, pepper, thyme, and lemon zest. Stir well. Bring to a simmer and cook for 40 minutes. Stir in coconut milk and salt, if desired. Remove bay leaf and serve.
Nutrition Facts - serves 8
Amount per serving:Total Calories: 185; 11g Carbs; 6.5g Fat; 22g Protein
1 loaf whole wheat bread or whole wheat english muffins
1 dozen eggs
10 snacks of your choice - see posted list
5 pieces of fruit (1/2 each day)
5 vegetables - 1/2 cup each day - frozen are wonderful and cheap. Get a couple fresh to nibble on.
Salad greens
Kroger brand V8 or V8Spicy - no brainer veggies in a glass.
Ingredients for Chicken Soup, recipe above.
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