Monday, November 18, 2013

Moral Support - Spread the Love

Welcome everyone!

We can all make small changes toward a healthier lifestyle, and as a happy byproduct we may even lose a little weight.  It is based on 10-day segments with targeted goals, and I will be posting information that may be useful to us all.  It's all about the tools.  It separates us from the monkeys :)

For those of us (you.  I'm not making any announcements) who are preggers, you obviously should skip the weight-loss aspect.  But you can still focus on the healthier eating and exercise aspects, and improve your and baby's health.  And then drop that baby-weight, girl!  Mmmm-hmmm! (now snap your fingers in a "Z")

Those with teenage daughters can invite them to join in the challenge segments of eating healthier and establishing healthy habits and goals for when age and life catches up to them!  Blerg.

I hope this blog, in some tiny way, encourages us all to be our most wonderful, beautiful, selves inside and out.  I feel the incredible support structure that exists among all of us women.  We have been blessed with so many beautiful daughters, and I feel every day what a blessing and challenge it is to be shining examples to them of spiritually, physically, and mentally strong mothers and women.

That came out much deeper than I expected it to.  This really is mostly just to help me kick my sugar addiction...I'm such a slave.  Time to be publicly accountable.

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Hang with us, it's gonna be fun!

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