Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 1.3: Torch That Fat!

I almost missed working out yesterday.  I left it until the very last possible minute.  I just wasn't motivated and found lots of other things to do instead. But I really couldn't skip, now could I?  So I didn't.  I think I've officially created a new habit.  Yes! 

Working out. I hope you haven't hit boredom already, but if you've been treadmilling it for months and feel like you are just going through the motions, this post is for you. Kathryn ;).
So here's your challenge.  
Mix it up.  

Why? How? What?  Help!

Fact: Bodies at rest burn calories.  Doing your everyday routine: staying alive, chasing toddlers, and keeping the house looking respectable burns calories. This is called your Basal Metabolic Rate.  
(or BMR - more on this important number later.)

Muscle burns calories.  Fat does not.  SO the more muscle you have the more calories you are going to burn just doing the daily grind.  This is the miracle of exercise miracles.  The holy grail.  The truth you've been waiting to hear. The parting of the clouds and the feel of the sun on your face.  Overstated?  Maybe a tad.

Incorporating resistance training into your workouts 3 times per week increases your muscle mass, increases your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories), and decreases your body fat percentage. What did I tell you? holy. grail.

I saw two articles in Shape Magazine just Monday that explain how make this interesting fact a reality in our exercise regime.  They both tell us to workout like a man.  Pffft, whatever.  No really.  Pay attention.

1.  Keep exercises simple by doing multi-muscle group exercises with weights, like squats with an overhead press.

2.  Do less cardio.  No, you didn't misread anything.  LESS cardio.  Muscle burns fat more efficiently, even at rest, and as the queen of efficiency, I like that.  You can accomplish more in less time lifting weights than running/riding/aerobicizing moderately for an hour.  Sweet.

3.  Up the intensity.  That means WORK HARDER!  Be out of breath, huffing and puffing; say the Pledge of Alleigance: if you can barely say it comfortably then you are working out hard enough.  (this is called the Talk Test.  More on RPE later.) Longer workouts are not always better.  It all comes down to how HARD you are working.
Short and intense > long and moderate/mild.  
(you recognize the "greater than" symbol, right?) 
Long and intense > short and intense

So try this Countdown Workout today, give it some concentrated effort, with a 2-5 lb weight.  Use a jug of milk, a can of spaghetti sauce, or your smallest child.  See how you feel.  See how strong you are!  And have fun!

Countdown Workout
Perform 10 reps of a kettlebell (or dumbell) swing
Without rest, do 10 reps of burpees
Still without resting, do 9 reps of the swings
Now do 9 reps of burpees

Continue this pattern until you do just 1 rep of each exercise, trying to rest as little as possible (or not at all) between moves.

What is a kettlebell swing, you ask?  Here's a photo.  Just swing.  Keep back straight through the exercise, eyes in front, head up.  Swing and stand using your legs, NOT your back.

And here is a burpee:

See the full article here:

If you're interested and more advanced in the weight lifting category, look at the link below called "22 Men's Exercises that Women Should Do", and you should totally laugh at what the photo models are wearing.  Oh my!

Sore today, stronger tomorrow!


  1. Now I know why you made sure I was reading the blog. This one was for me. :) And I know I am bad at math, but yes I do know what the greater than, less than symbol means. :) haha So I know that I should be doing more resistance training, but I worry about getting too much muscle. I know my body, and I worry I will muscle up too much. I want smaller legs, not big muscle ones. Thoughts?

    1. Before you bulknup, you will burn fat. Stick to less than 10 lb weights and go for more reps. Women are not built to bulk up without serious concentration to do so. Sometimes we mistake bulk for the muscle that's getting stronger but still covered in fat! Also do not neglect you shoulders, biceps, and back. These muscles will help your hurting back buy better supporting your upper body. Strengthening your flutes will also

    2. Something happened to my iPad...GLUTES will help your back, so do bridge lifts, fire hydrants, and donkey kicks. Low weight, more reps, think long and lean muscles!
