Friday, November 15, 2013

A little introduction

Eeek!  The holidays are upon us!  And dang it, I still don't fit the skinny jeans I bought LAST fall for THIS fall.  And to make things worse I checked my weight from 2012 and I'm 4 lbs heavier in 2013.  I'm crying over my cinnamon roll and wiping my tears with my snickers wrapper.

Come on admit it, you ate a snickers today too.  If not, well, the day is still young.  And it's snowing.

Last night a couple of us sisters had a heart to heart, a therapy session, a tell-all, and it's so nice to know that I am not alone in my habits and setbacks.  We all have them.  That being said, we can commiserate with each other, and then we can help each other do better.  I'm not out for a model body, but I really am out to be my best self, whatever shape that comes in.  I'm also out for ultimate control.  Before you say "obviously, it's Emily for pete's sake" hear me out.  Part of spiritual maturity is overcoming our physical weaknesses.  So when I'm diving into the left over Halloween candy, I'm also diving into a lake of regret and disappointment.  It's possible that by exercising self-control, you can enjoy those less-frequent, hard-earned, totally justified, high-quality food experiences, knowing that you are in total control.

SO how are we going to become our best selves, physically and mentally: fit, happy, successful, and in control?  Able to enjoy our families more because we enjoy ourselves more?  Take care our ourselves after taking care of the rest of the universe?  Keep reading...


Here is an eating and exercise plan.  We will take it 10 days at a time.  Each 10 day segment will have three major goals, and a new super food introduction to try. As the segments progress, take the previous goals with you and add the new.  We will shrug off bad habits and embrace new.  We will stretch and improve, and see just what amazing things we can do.  Together.

Basic Nutritional Rules for All Time: 

  • Clean eating makes a difference!  You will feel fuller on less calories.  You will also have more energy.  And you will be happier with yourself because you make good choices.
  • What is eating clean? Clean means no added sugar (substitute is fine), no added fats (dress salads with 1/2 tbsp olive oil), and no/lower amounts of processed carbs.
  • Eat as much protein as you want, really.  Same with veggies. Moderate your fruit.
  • Space your meals and snacks so they are not more than three hours apart.
  • One cheat MEAL at the end of 10 days if you're tough, or once each calendar week to make it easy on the family. Not cheat mealS or day. This includes eating a dessert.
We're starting Monday, November 18.  
Take the survey on the right, and tell me...

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