Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 1.6: Over the Hump!

More than halfway there!  Are you amazing yourself?  I know I am, but it doesn't take much over here :) I think being accountable to each other is key.  It's not a new principle, but it bears repeating.

It's SATURDAY! Exercise as a family today - go on a hike, run around the park while the kids play, OR let Dad manage Saturday chores while you take just an hour OUTSIDE.  Depart, change your scenery, do something you haven't done all week.  
It'll make you less bored.  
And bundle up...It's refreshing!  If you go out, make sure your knees are covered and toasty.  This will help avoid injury.  Careless people wear shorts in the cold.

Things to Think About:
Mix up your workouts with weight training.
Are you feeling empowered by your control over your sugar cravings?
Did you eat a yam?  If not, do it TODAY.
Do you feel the need to exercise?  That's a new habit forming.
You should be feeling full and happy all day.  Don't skip your meals or snacks.
Drink drink drink.  Your body is flushing out toxins and fat.
Look forward to Thanksgiving...and a well deserved celebration meal.

All these things mean you are making progress.  I need to do better at drinking. It's hard when it's not hot out.  I'm going to do better!

If you're brave, jump on a scale.  But don't be discouraged if there's no change yet.  Muscle weighs more than fat, and you are definitely building muscle.
If you can wait, don't get on until Day 10!

Comment and let us all know how you're doing!!!

Make Saturday count! 

Your hard-earned rest day is tomorrow NOT today!

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