Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 1.2 - Super Food: the Mighty Yam

Good morning!  I hope your yesterday was as fabulous as mine.  I soaked in the sunshine outside, and I felt sunny inside too because I stuck with it.  I resisted the FHE treat.  I saw some myfitnesspal entries from you, so horray for us!  And rest assured, there's absolutely no judging going on.  Whatsoever.  Period. Cinnamon Rolls are on the docket for the girls' breakfast today.  I'm going strong, and I can guarantee I will NOT give in!
All I can say for today is: stay on target, and try this today: 


The mighty yam.  Sometimes called a sweet potato (sweet potatoes are white), these are an orange, delicious, healthy, weird looking veggie.

If you eat this awesome food already, pat yourself on the back!  If you don't, you have no idea of the goodness you're missing out on!  As the days get dark and oh, so cold, the carb craving kicks in.  Comfort food is a must.  Eat this instead of white potatoes and your body will thank you.  Here's why:

Yams are a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin C, manganese and vitamin B6.

Yams are a complex carbohydrate with lots of fiber, which releases into your blood stream slowly to keep blood sugar levels steady and won't go straight to fat.

When paired with protein it helps your body absorb both carbs and protein with maximum efficiency.

Usually they are showcased as fries, slathered in butter and cinnamon, jacketed, or bathed in brown sugar and topped with marshmallows.  RESIST, I implore you!  There are so many other delicious and healthy ways to eat these babies.  As an added bonus, they really are sweet.  So while you've been ditching sugar and your taste buds are readjusting to real life, the slight sweetness in this veggie will make your mouth happy, and possibly satisfy your sugar craving..SWEET!

Recently I have enjoyed cubing them (two potatoes skinned) , tossing them with a tablespoon of olive oil, sprinkling them with salt, and baking them at 400 degrees until crispy.  I also like them steamed and mashed with salt.  They are also yummy as sweet potato waffles, usually eaten with BBQ pork or chicken.  Sneak them into your family meals, they will be pleasantly surprised.

Try this link for four healthy ways to prepare yams, and why you should try them in your dessert:

"You don't like them, so you say.  Try it try it and you may.  Try it, and you may I say". (Dr. Seuss)

See the link on the first week goals posting for additional recipes.
Also, please share your favorite healthy ways to eat yams in the comments below.

Have a great Tuesday!

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