Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 1.10: Wait...Last Day?! You'd better believe it!

We made it to the LAST DAY of our 10-day challenge!

Don't quit today, the finish line is just 24 hours away!

Think about what you've accomplished: consistency in working out, no (or less) sugar intake, eating more veggies.  That's something to be proud of!

Let's face it, today will be a challenge.  The kids are out of school so more people will need you every minute, Thanksgiving cooking starts (yum) and I don't know about you, but I really wanted to sleep in.

But you can take 30-60 minutes for yourself sometime today.  Put a movie on, send them outside, or better yet, go outside with them!  It is going to be a gorgeous day!  My friend Casey is a huge proponent of "play exercising".  We don't always have to make it a slog on the treadmill, class at the gym, or a video.  We can get exercise by doing fun things too!  I think my kids might die of surprise if I got out on the play toy with them at the park and played around!  You'd use a bunch of different muscles and give yourself a much needed mental break.  So try it!

Eat healthy and stay in your calorie goal. Cut up some of that stuffing celery to munch on instead of crackers when the kids snack later today.  Choose fruit and drink lots and lots of water.  We've made healthy choices this week, and I'm prreeetttty sure we can manage it for one more measly day.

The Finish Line is in sight!  Be strong today! 

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