Thursday, November 28, 2013


Our First 10 Days is over!
We did it.  We are awesome.

Things to today:
1. Weigh yourself
2. Measure yourself
3.  Write it down

Did it work?  A little?  Then let's do it again Monday!!  I'm ready, are you?

My pies are lined up, calling to me.  My turkey is in the oven, and I'm drooling just thinking about my mom's rolls.  The girls helped me cook this year, and I must say, it was super fun!  I'd like to think they will carry on  something about our Thanksgiving when they are married, but considering my penchant for new recipes and winging it, I feel bad for them if they even try.

Anyhoo, enjoy today, a cheat day since it's a holiday after all!  But I think I'm still going to practice a modicum of restraint.  Nothing is worse than stuffing yourself just for the sake of it.  Not.  Even. Worth. It.  Yuck.

Since we have begun establishing a new relationship with food as clean burning fuel, try to enjoy flavors and textures, and feeling slightly more full than our 1400 calorie days.  Just remember:  food will always be there.  There is nothing you are going to eat today that you can't have in the coming year.  You can make it any time you want if you really are craving it that badly.  Food will not disappear from the planet, requiring you to eat everything in sight until your family must roll you out of the house. (personal experience)  Still drink plenty of water through the day.

Try to get outside today, between rotating turkey, sides, and desserts through the oven.  Here's a clever little workout I found yesterday that looks like a fun mix-up.  The boys get to play basketball, so take 30 minutes and move your body!  Away from the kitchen.

Won't take long, and I guarantee it will make you feel great!

Check in tomorrow for some ideas to get you through the weekend.

Have an awesome holiday.  I am so thankful for all of you.  I'm thankful that you are supportive, and thank you for joining me in this journey to get fit.  I hope I'll see you all tonight, so we can all enjoy a piece of well-deserved pie together.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 1.10: Wait...Last Day?! You'd better believe it!

We made it to the LAST DAY of our 10-day challenge!

Don't quit today, the finish line is just 24 hours away!

Think about what you've accomplished: consistency in working out, no (or less) sugar intake, eating more veggies.  That's something to be proud of!

Let's face it, today will be a challenge.  The kids are out of school so more people will need you every minute, Thanksgiving cooking starts (yum) and I don't know about you, but I really wanted to sleep in.

But you can take 30-60 minutes for yourself sometime today.  Put a movie on, send them outside, or better yet, go outside with them!  It is going to be a gorgeous day!  My friend Casey is a huge proponent of "play exercising".  We don't always have to make it a slog on the treadmill, class at the gym, or a video.  We can get exercise by doing fun things too!  I think my kids might die of surprise if I got out on the play toy with them at the park and played around!  You'd use a bunch of different muscles and give yourself a much needed mental break.  So try it!

Eat healthy and stay in your calorie goal. Cut up some of that stuffing celery to munch on instead of crackers when the kids snack later today.  Choose fruit and drink lots and lots of water.  We've made healthy choices this week, and I'm prreeetttty sure we can manage it for one more measly day.

The Finish Line is in sight!  Be strong today! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 1.9: Sugar's Addictive Nature

Oh my goodness!  How do you feel?  Do you feel your sugar cravings are less intense?  Are you surviving without it?  Do you feel on more of an even keel?  You should be feeling less of that late-afternoon let down and your blood sugar levels should be leveling off.  Hang on to that feeling of goodness and control!

Here are some interesting facts about sugar.

Fructose: sugar from plant based foods
Glucose: found in starch, burned to create energy
Galactose: milk sugar
Sucrose: table sugar, fructose and glucose bound together

The idea is to eat fructose, glucose & galactose in natural forms, and avoid added sugar, no more than 6 teaspoons per day for women.

Added sugar is hidden in many unsuspected foods, so check nutrition labels.

Raw, natural, and agave nectar/syrup all are sugars and have no more nutritional value than table sugar.  Calories are calories when it comes to concentrated sugar, or added sugar.  Honey (in moderation) is the exception as it has been described as the "perfect food".  Find an article on the web and research it.

High Fructose Corn Syrup:
Table sugar, or sucrose, is composed of 50 percent fructose and 50 percent glucose. HFCS is derived from corn and also contains fructose and glucose; sometimes it has more fructose than sugar does and sometimes it has less.

Sugar is one of the few foods that humans crave; the pleasure responses in the brain cause us to want more, our response dulls and we have to increase the amount we eat to get the same feelings of pleasure, and then we can experience withdrawal if we cut back.  The pattern of addiction.

Some have described sugar as toxic.  While not poisonous, anything consumed in extremely high doses can be toxic.  Sugar can lead to weight gain, unhealthy addiction, compounding health problems, which all make life miserable.  


This 10 days we have focused on removing our added sugar intake.  I hope you have felt better for it.  In my case, I feel more in control of my "addiction", not such a slave to habit, and cleaner inside.  I feel more satisfied as I fill my stomach with healthy, more natural foods, rather than empty sugar calories that have zero nutrients.  My mind is happier and I have less eating regret.

Read the articles linked below to get a better idea of what sugar is.


Sugar Facts:

Sugar Addiction:

Here is an article about sugar's toxic nature:

Here are 9 facts that you may not have known or you thought you knew:

And here's a National Geographic article that is interesting about sugar in schools:

Monday, November 25, 2013


I am stressed, okay. I admit it.  I have a to-do list for Thanksgiving as long as my arm, dinner schedule coordination that is NOT going as planned, and a filthy house from being away for two days, and the first brilliant thing I did today is shelf my exercise hour.  Somehow, I felt this would help.

Which is exactly the OPPOSITE of how it works!

Exercise relieves stress, and so I am going to keep up my routine.  I'm really going to try.  

The extra 30 minutes is not going to shorten your list, just your fuse.  Don't skip it.

Your family will thank you for it :)  I know mine will.

Day 1.8: Review - Blogilates

We made it through the weekend.  I had a great Sunday, and I held it together last night.  Whew!

Only 3 more days!

Aren't you so excited?  I know I am!

So, keep watching those calories (1400 per day) and don't give up that exercise.  You're going strong, keep up the momentum.  Get moving today early, I know it's tough after Sunday rest day, but you can do it!

Today I want to share with you a fun website.  It is, and Popilates. (soooo clever!) Cassey Ho is the founder and she is a peppy, funny, happy coach in dieting, exercise, and self-improvement.  I have thoroughly enjoyed her website and everything it has to offer. 

Cassey's training is in Pilates instruction, which is a great full body toning and strengthening program.  Slow and controlled movements help create long and lean muscles.  She has also incorporated HIIT for a little cardio, using today's top 40 songs to appeal to her audience.  I'm not gonna lie, I love working out to top 40.  She has dabbled in fitness modeling (body building for women) and while you admire her physique, it has taken years of Pilates training, as well as serious daily bouts in the gym on weights, and hour long cardio sessions.  But do not be discouraged. :)

One drawback is that Cassey's main audience is girls and women 15-30 who are single, and probably not LDS.  Ok, definitely not.  Bikini season and prep for prom are common themes, mostly to attract this audience.  While her workouts are awesome even for moms who haven't been near a bikini in, well, possibly never, her tactics seem pretty shallow.  Many of her diet and exercise tips are great if you are cooking for one, and have absolutely nothing else to focus on but yourself.  One of her recipes is called "The Dorm Cookie".  'Nuff said.  Top it off with musings on GBF's, single life, and fitness modeling, and I find myself avoiding the blog aspect of her website altogether and sticking to the workout and recipe links instead, the highlights being breakfast and lunch.  She does have a couple of daily menu plans to really slim down, and they take repetition and clean eating to a whole 'nother level.  As a workout instructor she is a great motivator, very cheery, and pretty funny, I must say.  It's nice to have a bubbly personality urging you on when your "thighs are dying!"  Try the booty pat; amazingly enough, it really works!

Last month I was super excited to see that she finally came out with a workout app (called Blogilates), which is a digital version of her monthly workout calendar.  She has laid out a strengthening Pilates program, with workouts day by day.  It began in printable calendar form, and when you subscribe to her newsletter you get the password to unlock the printable.  It was great, she listed the videos to find on YouTube, and you were set.  The app is the same thing but the videos are right in the app, so no more searching on YouTube.  Yay!  It costs 99 cents per month to have access to the workout calendar.  She also has a recipe section, which is full of high protein, clean foods to keep you full, healthy, and on track.  Most of them fall into the "weird food" category if you're new to the clean eating thing, but she's very inventive I'll have to admit!  The forum and recipe share are "meh" where you get to read or see what other single college age women and sadly body-conscious high school students are obsessed about.  Skip it.

I find it well worth the 99 cents per month to have the exercise calendar and videos at my fingertips.  

Try her out, I know she'll get you smiling!

And as Cassey would say:
"Sweat like a Beast
to Look like a Beauty!"

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 1.7: Rest Day

Aaannnndddd....we're RESTING!

Well done.  Enjoy the Sabbath, the day of rest, renew, rest, relax, but don't sabotage your mental and emotional resistance.  Eat clean today, too.  Stick to the calorie goal, maybe add 200 extra calories, and don't overdo the dessert if you choose to indulge today.  If you do, be smart.

Don't make me come to Chris's to keep my eye on you!  You can do it.

Enjoy this day and renew your spirit and soul.

Day 1.6: Over the Hump!

More than halfway there!  Are you amazing yourself?  I know I am, but it doesn't take much over here :) I think being accountable to each other is key.  It's not a new principle, but it bears repeating.

It's SATURDAY! Exercise as a family today - go on a hike, run around the park while the kids play, OR let Dad manage Saturday chores while you take just an hour OUTSIDE.  Depart, change your scenery, do something you haven't done all week.  
It'll make you less bored.  
And bundle up...It's refreshing!  If you go out, make sure your knees are covered and toasty.  This will help avoid injury.  Careless people wear shorts in the cold.

Things to Think About:
Mix up your workouts with weight training.
Are you feeling empowered by your control over your sugar cravings?
Did you eat a yam?  If not, do it TODAY.
Do you feel the need to exercise?  That's a new habit forming.
You should be feeling full and happy all day.  Don't skip your meals or snacks.
Drink drink drink.  Your body is flushing out toxins and fat.
Look forward to Thanksgiving...and a well deserved celebration meal.

All these things mean you are making progress.  I need to do better at drinking. It's hard when it's not hot out.  I'm going to do better!

If you're brave, jump on a scale.  But don't be discouraged if there's no change yet.  Muscle weighs more than fat, and you are definitely building muscle.
If you can wait, don't get on until Day 10!

Comment and let us all know how you're doing!!!

Make Saturday count! 

Your hard-earned rest day is tomorrow NOT today!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 1.5: Breakfast Recipes and Ideas

Uh-oh.  It's Friday.  This is my traditional let-down day.  It's the last day of the school week, and of all the things I've accomplished, getting three girls ready for school and out the door on time 5 days in a row surely deserves something sweet.  NO WAY!!! I am NOT going to sabotage all my hard work and commitment this week by giving in to homemade baked goods, and pizza and soda for dinner.  This is where I usually give up, starting the slow slide into the weekend, spiraling into boredom eating, social eating, and reward eating, with a candy binge on Sunday night.

But not this weekend.

Because we are only on Day 5.  Of 10.  We are going strong and Thanksgiving is oh, so close.  I am finalizing my dessert plans today.  Yum.

So I'm going to share with you some ideas to break the food monotony and give you something else to eat besides a bowl of oatmeal with fruit, as delicious as it really is.

First:  Protein Pancakes.  I adore pancakes.  Here's a recipe that takes out empty flour calories and packs in the protein.  Enjoy them with a drizzle of sugar-free syrup.  P.S.  I really hope you are eating your oatmeal with a sugar substitute, like Truvia.  Even I can't eat oatmeal plain with fruit.  Blech.

Pancake 1: 2-Ingredient Pancakes
1 mashed banana
2 eggs
Mix and cook in frying pan, using cooking spray.

Delicious and sweet!  If you enter "Blogilates 2 Ingredient Pancakes" in myfitnesspal it's already there for you with calorie count and everything.

Pancakes 2: Blueberry Banana Protein Pancake
1 egg
1 scoop vanilla or plain protein powder
1 tbsp ground flax seed, or chopped up dry oatmeal
1 ripened banana mashed
1/2 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 tbps milk
Mix everything up, and cook in mini-sized pancakes.  Watch the blueberries, sometimes they slide off when you flip them.

These are SOOOO yummy.  Also in myfitness pal, for the stupendous amount of protein and healthy fruits you can eat the ENTIRE batch.  No lie, you will be stuffed.  And so happy and clean!

Protein powder note:  I detest vanilla protein powder.  So I buy chocolate for my shakes and bulk soy isolate protein in Smith's bulk food section.  It is flavorless, so I also add imitation vanilla to my recipes to add flavor without calories.

Second: Weird Food of the Week.  You have commented on my ability to eat anything.  I'm still not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not.  Hmmmm.  You also know how I feel about pumpkin pie.  But as I age I have started loving anything else with pumpkin in it.  I think for Thanksgiving I'm going to make a pumpkin pie layered toffee cheesecake.  I can't wait!!

And so on Wednesday I tried this "Baked Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal" recipe.  I also cleaned up the recipe.  Here is the adjusted ingredient list:

Baked Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal (adapted from Budget Bytes

  • 1 (15 oz.) can pumpkin purée
  • ½ cup no sugar added applesauce
  • 2 large eggs 
  • 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ¾ tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 1  cup less 1 Tbsp milk
  • 1/2 cup Greek nonfat vanilla yogurt
  • 2½ cups dry old-fashioned oats
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, whisk together the pumpkin purée, brown sugar, eggs, vanilla, pumpkin pie spice, salt, and baking powder until smooth. Whisk in the milk (and yogurt if using).
  2. Mix the dry oats into the pumpkin mixture. Coat an 8×8 (or similar sized) baking dish with non-stick spray. Pour in the pumpkin oat mixture. Cover with foil and bake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes, removing the foil after the first 30 minutes.
  3. Serve hot right out of the oven or refrigerate until ready to serve. Can be eaten cold or reheated. Top with milk, maple syrup, whipped cream, or nuts.

This turned out perfectly.  Moist, and savory.  I will admit I had to add two packets of truvia for sweetness.  Not good cold, I'm sure the sugar-full version is to die for in any form.  The yogurt added vanilla flavoring and a huge boost of protein.  At a regular sized oatmeal portion, I will have 6 breakfasts of this.  I may have to freeze some.  It was a great change of flavor, and fun to try something new, and with the tweaks I feel really good about it, not like I'm just eating a dessert.  

Part of dieting is trying new things to break the monotony, but predictability is key.  One other hint to low-fat low-sugar eating is to use spices.  The pumpkin pie spice, which is basically cinnamon, adds depth and keeps it from being bland.

So try something new. Hunt new recipes. Clean them up by swapping applesauce and yogurt for oils and sugars.

Third: Quiche & Fritattas.  I have found a new, delicious way to eat protein and veggies:  crust-less quiche and fritattas.  I am the worst omelette maker ever.  So these baked versions are a snap. They work great for dinner and lunch, too.  My girls love them.  Remember, no crusts.

Basic Recipe:
4 eggs
1 cup spinach - if frozen, thaw and drain WELL
1 cup other veggies: mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, kale, tomatoes.
1-2 ounces shredded cheese - ANY variety
Salt and pepper to taste
Bake at 350 until done through, top will be brown, check for liquid underneath.

Top with salsa.  It is a true comfort food, without fat and carbs, full of protein, satisfying, and fulfilling knowing you ate your veggies.  


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 1.4: Truth In Numbers - Daily Caloric Needs

Happy Thursday!  Are you spending as much time in the little girls' room as I am?  Whew.  Every time I increase my water intake, I feel like  the "gotta go right now" commercial.  Your skin is thanking you for all the clean, hydrating water you're drinking.  Just don't drink after dinner if you don't wanna be up all night.  Ugh.  Fear not, keep drinking and your body will adjust to all the extra fluids.  Drinking water also burns fat, ta-da!  I worked my abs, thanks to Kathryn, and I'm pretty much sore all over. Sweet!

I love fitness data.  I love seeing what my BMI is.  I love putting in my goal weight and seeing what my BMI would be, if only I had some self control.  Sigh.  I love scales that read body fat percentage.  I love heart rate monitors and GPS distance devices that tell me mileage and speed.  I pretty much love any form of fitness data.  I'm a junkie.  Why?  Because numbers don't lie.  It's not for everyone, but it can be very useful in your journey.

Information is power.

Here are some terms you should know:

BMR: Basal Metabolic Rate is how many calories you burn just living.

BMI: Body Mass Index is your weight to height ratio.

TDEE: Daily calorie needs, based on BMR, age, current weight, and activity levels.  This is where you start, then reduce calories to a weight loss level.  Another method is based on body weight alone.

We've started with a basic 1400 calorie diet in the First 10 Days.  As our eating habits improve and our activity levels increase, we can adjust to find the right caloric intake to lose weight but feel energized enough to keep moving, and work harder.

BMR:  Follow this link to find out how many calories you burn just living.

BMI: Follow this link to find out what your BMI is.
The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (gross) has set up a weight range that is healthy for your height.  Play with it enterting different higher and lower weights and notice the broad range for your height.  Somewhere in that range you will find your happy weight, or personally sustainable weight.  You know when you are too heavy, even if it falls into the acceptable healthy weight category on NHLBI.  The reason for the broad weight ranges is to account for the fact that muscle weighs more than fat.  My healthy weight range is 115-154 lbs. (what the?!)  NOT HEALTHY on either side of the range if I am 40% body fat.  I wouldn't worry about being at the high end if I'm muscular and under 20% body fat.


Daily Caloric Needs:  Get ready for some serious math, girls. There are six components that determine how many calories you need each day: BMR, activity level, weight, lean body mass (muscle, or LBM), age and gender.

Math 101 version:
to achieve Fat loss = 12-13 calories per pound of body weight (140 lbs x 12=1680 cal per day)
to Maintain (TDEE) = 15-16 calories per pound of body weight (140 lbs x 15 = 2100 cal per day)
to Gain Weight  = 18-20+ calories per pound of body weight (140 lbs x 18 = 2520 cal per day)

Math 401 version: (get a pencil and paper, a TI-84 calculator, and your junior high student)
Women: BMR = 655 + (9.6 x weight in KG) + (1.8 x height in CM) - (4.7 x age in years)
This is a link to a metric conversion calculator:

1. Convert your height in inches to centimeters, and your weight in pounds to kilograms.  Write these two numbers down.
2.  Write out the above equation filling in the two metric numbers you converted, IN THE CORRECT PLACE.
3.  Remember the order of operations and do the math inside the parentheses first.
4.  Now do the whole equation.
5.  Congratulations!  You now know your BMR, the basic number of calories you need to live.

Deep breath, and no weeping.  If you're arguing with your junior high student over methods, separate, please.  One more step.


Take your BMR that you just figured out.  Then use the following table to adjust for your activity level to find your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure):

Activity Factor:
Sedentery = BMR x 1.2
Lightly Active = BMR x 1.375
Moderately Active = BMR x 1.55
Very Active = BMR x 1.725
Extremety Active = BMR x 1.9

Be honest.  Walking up and down the stairs 20 times per day does not make you Very Active.  Neither does cleaning house, chasing kids (unless you are sprinting), or standing at the sink doing dishes.  I'm always looking for an excuse to eat more calories, because I need to stay alive, right?  Overestimating your activity level will just sabotage your fat loss efforts.

For me, it ended up like this:

BMR = 655 + (9.6 x 62kg)   + (1.8 x 167.64cm) - (4.7 x 37 years)
BMR = 655 + 595.2 + 301.75 - 173.9
BMR = 1378 calories per day to be a functioning body

Now I multiply by my activity factor, which I would say is Moderately Active 9 (yesterday, if I'm honest, sedentary) , and I get to eat 2136 calories per day to maintain my current weight.  If I see the scale stubbornly staying at 138 I KNOW I am eating this many calories.  Fact.

Notice how the age portion of the equation indicates that the older we are the more calories we are subtracting from our daily total needs.  The older you are the less you burn so the less you need.  Boohoo.

Another Fact: if you want to lose weight you have to eat less than your TDEE.   Eat 500 calories or 15-20% less calories than TDEE to lose weight and not move into starvation mode.  Myfitnesspal suggests that the minimum daily caloric intake for a woman is 1200 calories.  Lower than that and you are not doing yourself any favors: you'll be hungry, your body will store fat, you won't be able to exercise effectively or efficiently,  you will lose muscle instead of build it.

And forgive me; you know how I adore math.

Information is power, ladies.  Use it to kill it today!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 1.3: Torch That Fat!

I almost missed working out yesterday.  I left it until the very last possible minute.  I just wasn't motivated and found lots of other things to do instead. But I really couldn't skip, now could I?  So I didn't.  I think I've officially created a new habit.  Yes! 

Working out. I hope you haven't hit boredom already, but if you've been treadmilling it for months and feel like you are just going through the motions, this post is for you. Kathryn ;).
So here's your challenge.  
Mix it up.  

Why? How? What?  Help!

Fact: Bodies at rest burn calories.  Doing your everyday routine: staying alive, chasing toddlers, and keeping the house looking respectable burns calories. This is called your Basal Metabolic Rate.  
(or BMR - more on this important number later.)

Muscle burns calories.  Fat does not.  SO the more muscle you have the more calories you are going to burn just doing the daily grind.  This is the miracle of exercise miracles.  The holy grail.  The truth you've been waiting to hear. The parting of the clouds and the feel of the sun on your face.  Overstated?  Maybe a tad.

Incorporating resistance training into your workouts 3 times per week increases your muscle mass, increases your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories), and decreases your body fat percentage. What did I tell you? holy. grail.

I saw two articles in Shape Magazine just Monday that explain how make this interesting fact a reality in our exercise regime.  They both tell us to workout like a man.  Pffft, whatever.  No really.  Pay attention.

1.  Keep exercises simple by doing multi-muscle group exercises with weights, like squats with an overhead press.

2.  Do less cardio.  No, you didn't misread anything.  LESS cardio.  Muscle burns fat more efficiently, even at rest, and as the queen of efficiency, I like that.  You can accomplish more in less time lifting weights than running/riding/aerobicizing moderately for an hour.  Sweet.

3.  Up the intensity.  That means WORK HARDER!  Be out of breath, huffing and puffing; say the Pledge of Alleigance: if you can barely say it comfortably then you are working out hard enough.  (this is called the Talk Test.  More on RPE later.) Longer workouts are not always better.  It all comes down to how HARD you are working.
Short and intense > long and moderate/mild.  
(you recognize the "greater than" symbol, right?) 
Long and intense > short and intense

So try this Countdown Workout today, give it some concentrated effort, with a 2-5 lb weight.  Use a jug of milk, a can of spaghetti sauce, or your smallest child.  See how you feel.  See how strong you are!  And have fun!

Countdown Workout
Perform 10 reps of a kettlebell (or dumbell) swing
Without rest, do 10 reps of burpees
Still without resting, do 9 reps of the swings
Now do 9 reps of burpees

Continue this pattern until you do just 1 rep of each exercise, trying to rest as little as possible (or not at all) between moves.

What is a kettlebell swing, you ask?  Here's a photo.  Just swing.  Keep back straight through the exercise, eyes in front, head up.  Swing and stand using your legs, NOT your back.

And here is a burpee:

See the full article here:

If you're interested and more advanced in the weight lifting category, look at the link below called "22 Men's Exercises that Women Should Do", and you should totally laugh at what the photo models are wearing.  Oh my!

Sore today, stronger tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fuel for Exercise and Recovery

Here at your request.  The girls are doing homework and it's not time for dinner yet.  I am also having a fruit fly invasion that is driving me bonkers.  That's what you get for having more fresh fruit around.  humpfh.

Food is fuel.  It matters what we eat before and after a workout, as well as when we eat before and after.

We exercise for three reasons: 1) to burn fat and lose weight, 2) to increase fitness and endurance, and 3) to maintain our hard-earned goal weight and fitness level.

These three reasons we exercise require different types of fuel or nutrient timing.

Weight Loss:
Your body will burn fat more rapidly if you exercise fasting, ideally first thing in the morning.  Not a 24 hour fast, just after the longest period that your body has gone without food.  This technique helps your body burn fat for exercise, saving glycogen (or sugar stores) for use when they are more needed.  Bonus!

After your workout you should eat your breakfast and make sure it is high in protein: tuna, turkey bacon, turkey sausage, Canadian bacon boiled eggs, protein shake, green smoothie with protein powder added, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt cup, deli ham, etc.  Make an omelette or crust-less quiche, or breakfast burrito on a whole wheat tortilla.  Don't forget your whole-grain cereal and 1/2 cup of fruit!  This helps your body refuel and repair and build muscle.  Exercise doesn't mean free-for-all: count your calories, and stick to our plan.

If you do not exercise fasting, just fit in exercise in the three hours between one of your main meals and one of your snacks.  Calorie counting is the most vital aspect of weight loss, so timing your workout this way will keep you energized enough to exercise hard, and utilize your calories at the right time to beat the post-workout grumbles, without over eating.

Increasing Fitness & Endurance:
This goal requires constant fueling, before, during, and after exercise.  Think body builders.  Think endurance athletes.  By endurance I mean any exercise of more than two hours.  I don't eat on my bike unless I am gone for longer than 90 minutes.  Complex carbohydrates mingled with protein are best for a pre-workout meal one hour before you exercise.

Eating during a long endurance workout ensures that your muscles won't run out of gas, so your heart and lungs can practice functioning at high rates for long periods of time.  This is where Clif bars and energy gels and blocks come into play.

Eating a meal high in protein 30 minutes afterward will aid in muscle building and recovery, and adding complex carbs aids in refueling your glucose levels.

Wouldn't we all love to be here!  This goal requires a normal eating schedule, still mostly complex carbs like veggies, whole grains, fiber from fruit, and protein.

Eating before is not something to worry about unless you feel hungry, but you should eat something high in protein within 30 minutes after your workout to help your muscles recover and build.  Protein shakes are ideal, as are green smoothies with protein powder added.  Some brands market a "recovery drink", like Gatorade.  Unless you like gross drinks, a smoothie or shake will do fine.

Just to clarify, your schedule should look something like this:

High-protein Snack


High Protein Snack

You get the idea!

"Muscles are made in the gym 
revealed in the kitchen"

30% Exercise - 70% Diet

Day 1.2 - Super Food: the Mighty Yam

Good morning!  I hope your yesterday was as fabulous as mine.  I soaked in the sunshine outside, and I felt sunny inside too because I stuck with it.  I resisted the FHE treat.  I saw some myfitnesspal entries from you, so horray for us!  And rest assured, there's absolutely no judging going on.  Whatsoever.  Period. Cinnamon Rolls are on the docket for the girls' breakfast today.  I'm going strong, and I can guarantee I will NOT give in!
All I can say for today is: stay on target, and try this today: 


The mighty yam.  Sometimes called a sweet potato (sweet potatoes are white), these are an orange, delicious, healthy, weird looking veggie.

If you eat this awesome food already, pat yourself on the back!  If you don't, you have no idea of the goodness you're missing out on!  As the days get dark and oh, so cold, the carb craving kicks in.  Comfort food is a must.  Eat this instead of white potatoes and your body will thank you.  Here's why:

Yams are a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin C, manganese and vitamin B6.

Yams are a complex carbohydrate with lots of fiber, which releases into your blood stream slowly to keep blood sugar levels steady and won't go straight to fat.

When paired with protein it helps your body absorb both carbs and protein with maximum efficiency.

Usually they are showcased as fries, slathered in butter and cinnamon, jacketed, or bathed in brown sugar and topped with marshmallows.  RESIST, I implore you!  There are so many other delicious and healthy ways to eat these babies.  As an added bonus, they really are sweet.  So while you've been ditching sugar and your taste buds are readjusting to real life, the slight sweetness in this veggie will make your mouth happy, and possibly satisfy your sugar craving..SWEET!

Recently I have enjoyed cubing them (two potatoes skinned) , tossing them with a tablespoon of olive oil, sprinkling them with salt, and baking them at 400 degrees until crispy.  I also like them steamed and mashed with salt.  They are also yummy as sweet potato waffles, usually eaten with BBQ pork or chicken.  Sneak them into your family meals, they will be pleasantly surprised.

Try this link for four healthy ways to prepare yams, and why you should try them in your dessert:

"You don't like them, so you say.  Try it try it and you may.  Try it, and you may I say". (Dr. Seuss)

See the link on the first week goals posting for additional recipes.
Also, please share your favorite healthy ways to eat yams in the comments below.

Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Portion Control Guide

Here is a portion control chart. Thanks, Tess.  We all want to know what a serving means, and it's different for every food group.  Check it out:

Day 1.1 - Let's Get After It!

Good morning!  I woke this morning with such a great attitude, and 37 minutes after my alarm went off!  Terrible.  This challenge is so much for me, I'm so glad you talked me into it!  Tess is gung-ho, and I really hope you got up at 6 am!  Do you want a wake-up call tomorrow?!  At 7?

Here's the quote of the week:

"I'm not losing weight, I'm getting rid of it.  I have no intention of ever finding it again"

This is not original, I stole it from a gym membership ad.  I love it.  So let's keep this in mind this first 10 days.  We are getting rid of old habits.  We are getting rid of some smidgen of ourselves and we will not welcome it back with a careless snuggle with a baked good.  No ma'am.

Tasks for today:
WEIGH yourself.  Undressed.  Same time every time you weigh.  Some weigh daily, some don't.  The conditions must be consistent to get true comparisons.
Measure your BODY FAT.  Some scales have it.  If you want to come borrow mine, you are welcome to make a private date with my scale in my bathroom.  Let me know so I can at least clean it first :)

MEASURE yourself.  With a sewing tape measure. Where?  Everywhere.  Chest, waist, hips (at widest part), thigh (again, widest part), calf and ankle if you are totally crazy, becuase you all have GREAT calves and ankles.  Just sayin'.  Again, make sure you measure the same place every time. Sliding your tape down your thigh does not count as inches lost.

As painful as it is, we need to acknowledge where we are today.  And we can't see improvement if you can't compare today with 10, 20, 30 days from now.  Even the tiniest improvement will be motivational.

Write this information down somewhere.  Myfitnesspal has a check-in tab where you can enter all this info, and in settings you can adjust the fields to say what you want to measure.  Don't lose this information.

Comment on how your day went.  Ask questions.


Moral Support - Spread the Love

Welcome everyone!

We can all make small changes toward a healthier lifestyle, and as a happy byproduct we may even lose a little weight.  It is based on 10-day segments with targeted goals, and I will be posting information that may be useful to us all.  It's all about the tools.  It separates us from the monkeys :)

For those of us (you.  I'm not making any announcements) who are preggers, you obviously should skip the weight-loss aspect.  But you can still focus on the healthier eating and exercise aspects, and improve your and baby's health.  And then drop that baby-weight, girl!  Mmmm-hmmm! (now snap your fingers in a "Z")

Those with teenage daughters can invite them to join in the challenge segments of eating healthier and establishing healthy habits and goals for when age and life catches up to them!  Blerg.

I hope this blog, in some tiny way, encourages us all to be our most wonderful, beautiful, selves inside and out.  I feel the incredible support structure that exists among all of us women.  We have been blessed with so many beautiful daughters, and I feel every day what a blessing and challenge it is to be shining examples to them of spiritually, physically, and mentally strong mothers and women.

That came out much deeper than I expected it to.  This really is mostly just to help me kick my sugar addiction...I'm such a slave.  Time to be publicly accountable.

Enter your email in the top box to get email updates on posts.  Or you can just check never...:)

Hang with us, it's gonna be fun!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Green Smoothie Recipes

Green Smoothie - from two peas and their pod

Yield: 2 servings
Prep Time: 5 minutes
This simple Green Smoothie is a great way to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet. I promise it is delicious and nutritious!


1 large orange, peeled and segmented
1/2 of a large banana, cut into chunks
6 large strawberries
2 cups spinach
1/3 cup plain Greek yogurt (I use Chobani 0%)
1 cup ice


1. Put all of the ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve.

Avocado-Apple Smoothie
1 green apple
1/2 avocado
1 cup spinach
1 tbls lime juice
1/2 – 1 cup water
Avocado-Kiwi Smoothie 
½ avocado
2 kiwis
1 banana
2 cups fresh baby spinach (or other leafy green)
1/2 – 1 cup water
Calories: 379 | Fat: 15.8g (grams) | Protein: 6.3g | Carbs: 63.3g | Calcium: 12% | Vitamin A: 47% | Vitamin C: 290%
Avocado-Berry Fruit Smoothie
¼ avocado
½ cup of red raspberries
½ cup of blackberries
1 whole banana
1/2 cup water

Friday, November 15, 2013

150 Calorie Snacks

Here is a list of snacks under 150 calories.

100 Calorie Snacks

Here is a list of snacks under 100 calories.

Your First 10 Days Begins Monday November 18



  • Meal repetition is the simplest way to start eating better.  It takes out the guess work and uncertainty.
  • Prepare your meal and eat only when it's all done and you are sitting at the table.
  • Try eating before you cook for your kids.
  • Plan to workout before one of your meals or snacks.  This will help you satisfy your ravenous post-workout hunger without cheating.
  • Follow the plan at will.  But if you follow it you WILL see improvements!

  • Check the bottom of the blog for links, apps, and recipes that will be helpful and motivational.
  • Leave comments with your progress, and strong or weak moments.

Feel free to substitute but stay in the calorie limit.  
Remember Protein is King for weight loss.

BREAKFAST: 300 calories
  • Choose ONE carb: 1 piece whole wheat toast, one serving cream of wheat, quinoa, plain oatmeal, or nine grain hot cereal.
  • 1 protein: 1-2 eggs cooked any way you like, use only cooking spray, no butter.
  • 1 complex carb: 1/2 cup fruit or 1/2 piece of fruit.
  • 16 oz water
MORNING SNACK: 200 calories or less

See posted snacks lists

LUNCH: 300 calories
  • One serving (approx 1.5 cups) of soup of the day. OR
  • Choose ONE Protein: two servings of sandwich meat or tuna, 1-2 eggs (if you didn't eat any with breakfast), chicken, other lean meat
  • 1 carb: 1 slice wheat bread.
  • 1-2 vegetable servings: salad, steamed veg, sweet potatoes steamed or baked, or other vegetable you like.
  • 16 oz water
  • **the best thing to do for lunch is to make a lean stock and vegetable based soup with lean protein in it, and eat it all week. 
AFTERNOON SNACK: 200 calories

See posted snacks lists

DINNER: 400 calories
  • Eat what your family eats, but don't snitch while you cook!  Try to lighten it up fat-wise for everyone's benefit.
  • Eat a half sized portion (particularly of noodles, rice, or bread). 
  • Add a salad or other vegetables to round it out.  Remember protein and veggies are free game!  
  • Don't forget those 16 oz of water!


Cold Day Chicken Soup
Adapted from this Shape Magazine article:


  • 1 tablespoon coconut/olive oil
  • 1 yellow onion, chopped
  • 3 carrots, grated
  • 2 celery stalks, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 8 cups low-sodium chicken broth
  • 3 cups diced chicken breast (boiling in the chicken stock is easiest)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 apple, chopped
  • 1 dash pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • 2 cups unsweetened coconut/skim milk
  • 1 dash salt


In a large pot over medium heat, melt coconut oil. Add onion, carrot, and celery, cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes. Stir in garlic and curry powder and cook 2 minutes. Add chicken broth, chicken, bay leaf, apple, pepper, thyme, and lemon zest. Stir well. Bring to a simmer and cook for 40 minutes. Stir in coconut milk and salt, if desired. Remove bay leaf and serve.
Nutrition Facts - serves 8
Amount per serving:Total Calories: 185; 11g Carbs; 6.5g Fat; 22g Protein

1 loaf whole wheat bread or whole wheat english muffins
1 dozen eggs
10 snacks of your choice - see posted list
5 pieces of fruit (1/2 each day)
5 vegetables - 1/2 cup each day - frozen are wonderful and cheap. Get a couple fresh to nibble on.
Salad greens
Kroger brand V8 or V8Spicy - no brainer veggies in a glass.
Ingredients for Chicken Soup, recipe above.

A little introduction

Eeek!  The holidays are upon us!  And dang it, I still don't fit the skinny jeans I bought LAST fall for THIS fall.  And to make things worse I checked my weight from 2012 and I'm 4 lbs heavier in 2013.  I'm crying over my cinnamon roll and wiping my tears with my snickers wrapper.

Come on admit it, you ate a snickers today too.  If not, well, the day is still young.  And it's snowing.

Last night a couple of us sisters had a heart to heart, a therapy session, a tell-all, and it's so nice to know that I am not alone in my habits and setbacks.  We all have them.  That being said, we can commiserate with each other, and then we can help each other do better.  I'm not out for a model body, but I really am out to be my best self, whatever shape that comes in.  I'm also out for ultimate control.  Before you say "obviously, it's Emily for pete's sake" hear me out.  Part of spiritual maturity is overcoming our physical weaknesses.  So when I'm diving into the left over Halloween candy, I'm also diving into a lake of regret and disappointment.  It's possible that by exercising self-control, you can enjoy those less-frequent, hard-earned, totally justified, high-quality food experiences, knowing that you are in total control.

SO how are we going to become our best selves, physically and mentally: fit, happy, successful, and in control?  Able to enjoy our families more because we enjoy ourselves more?  Take care our ourselves after taking care of the rest of the universe?  Keep reading...


Here is an eating and exercise plan.  We will take it 10 days at a time.  Each 10 day segment will have three major goals, and a new super food introduction to try. As the segments progress, take the previous goals with you and add the new.  We will shrug off bad habits and embrace new.  We will stretch and improve, and see just what amazing things we can do.  Together.

Basic Nutritional Rules for All Time: 

  • Clean eating makes a difference!  You will feel fuller on less calories.  You will also have more energy.  And you will be happier with yourself because you make good choices.
  • What is eating clean? Clean means no added sugar (substitute is fine), no added fats (dress salads with 1/2 tbsp olive oil), and no/lower amounts of processed carbs.
  • Eat as much protein as you want, really.  Same with veggies. Moderate your fruit.
  • Space your meals and snacks so they are not more than three hours apart.
  • One cheat MEAL at the end of 10 days if you're tough, or once each calendar week to make it easy on the family. Not cheat mealS or day. This includes eating a dessert.
We're starting Monday, November 18.  
Take the survey on the right, and tell me...