Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 4.10: We Made It! & Whole Foods List

It's the last day of our 10 day challenge.  Did  you workout with weights three times?  If not, get on it today.  Lift something heavy with your legs and arms for 30 minutes.  A small child would do nicely.

Did you do what you are afraid of?  How did you do on conquering your weakness.  I did well.  Not perfect, but better.  I feel a rhythm coming on that is the natural way for me to be eating.

I know most of us are afraid of weights, but did you do it?  If you continue alternating with weights and cardio you will see muscular developments that will make you smile.

I printed out my "before" photos that I took as added motivation.  That ought to scare the bejeebers out of anyone, but unfortunately, I'm not easily scared.

I also started reading a couple of books, one being about adjusting our minds to eat more healthfully and conquer cravings.  When I finish that, I'll share the highlights.  The second one is about eating cleaner foods, opting for whole food sources, and adapting it to family life.  We'll see...

To send you off on a great note, ready to stay strong over the next four days, I found this list of whole foods: Whole 30 Food List.  Rest assured that if you are eating items from this list you should give yourself a big round of applause. Remember to keep aiming for 3 veggies and 2 fruits daily.

I also found this [Lean Meals] Shake Up Your Diet With 30 Superfood Protein Smoothie Recipes Under 300 Calories.
 Many of which actually look appealing, surprise, surprise.  Have one of these after your 30 minutes of weight training for maximum muscle building and recovery for the strongest muscles ever!

You are all amazing and I am so happy to be on this journey together.  If you have any tips or tricks or just want to share, post away.  I don't need to be the only voice around here.  I would love to learn from all of you, because you are all inspiring and healthy and so very wise.

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