Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 3.7: I feel better now

Wow.  Now that I have nothing to hide...

I'm so glad someone commented (thanks, Tess).  I was starting to hear crickets and uncomfortable silence.  That's not awkward.

I really do feel better, however.  I feel like I can start again.  Just after I posted  yesterday, I sat down to read the January Ensign.  No, I didn't tear into it on Dec 30, and yes I procrastinate.  Have you not read this blog?  Anyway,  I read Pres. Uchtdorf's message about beginning anew.  It was just what I needed.  The best time to start is years ago.  The next best time is now.  So very perfect and uplifting.  Take time to read his message.

Also perfect and uplifting was my workout today.  I got invited by my favorite person to go cross country skiing at Snow Basin.  It was 37 degrees, perfectly sunny, and so much fun.  The grooming left us sinking in snow drifts in some areas and not speeding along, but it was one heck of a workout.  All the moving arms and struggling uphill on super skinny skis and shooshing downhill with no edges...it's a toughie.

It was very rejuvenating and I had a smile on the whole time.

I know some of you have been enjoying outdoor workouts now that the air isn't the color and consistency of mud, and I encourage you to keep it up.  The weatherman says we're in for a week of declining air quality, so get outside while it won't give you emphysema.  Seriously.

Confront your demons, take control, and learn from mistakes.  I think that's this 10 days' theme.  Also, don't set goals you can't realistically reach.  But wait, I already said that.  The story of my life.

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