Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 4.1: 10 Days of No Fear

Let's start again!  This is 10 Days of No Fear!  Some of the previous goals are not working for me.  So I'm going to modify the goals for the next 10 days.

Conquer your Weakness: indulge at a predetermined time or frequency.  Post your resolution in the comments including item & frequency. Now you are accountable.  Mine is sugar/candy/dessert.  I am only eating it on Wednesday and Sunday.  Rats, now I'm committed.

Exercise: do at least 3 - 30 minute sessions of weights this 10 days.  I'll post some good body-weight exercises as well as some free-weight exercises as well.

Diet: 3 veggies, 2 fruits daily.

Hydrate: 64 oz of water each day (8-8oz glasses)

It's time to ask ourselves: How bad do we really want it?
I like this quote.  Really, we tend not to do what we are afraid of.  But great strength comes when we overcome fear and express faith.  Faith in what will happen if we do this hard thing.  Faith in ourselves that we can actually do something hard.  Faith that we have help from a Higher Power to overcome weakness.

I am afraid to go without sugar.  But I really do want to trim down.  I'm ready.


  1. My first is to go to bed earlier. I know this is kind of lame but I think changing this would improve my energy level. Also I'm going to have a small bit of sugar everyday. I have found that if I ban sugar totally I end up pigging out the day I allow myself to have sugar. I know what I need to do to become my best self it's just the matter of doing it now!

    1. Yay! Great goals, especially going to bed early. We must discuss further. I agree, do it now!

  2. Oh my...I'm with ya i so need to go to bed waaaay earlier. I'm working on it... Yikes
