Thursday, February 20, 2014

Yoga: Core Flow & The 5 Tibetans

Hey Gals!

I saw an article today called 10 Ways to Refresh Your Relationship With Exercise.  We've discussed this a lot lately because I think we're all trying to create a habit of exercise and get out of the doldrums, mostly for our mental sanity.  I was intrigued by a link that is included in this article about The 5 Tibetan Rites.  What?  So, naturally, I followed the link and this is what I found:

The 5 Tibetan Rites are a form of yoga, not necessarily Tibetan, that focus on a continuous flowing sequence of movements, rather than the Indian style of holding static positions.  The moves are similar in both styles, while the breathing is opposite of Indian yoga.  While outlandish and unrealistic claims have been made of miraculous reverse aging and extraordinary healings (exactly the metaphysical mumbo-jumbo that makes us averse to kooky yogis) there are real benefits to this form of exercise, mainly increased energy, stress reduction, and an enhanced sense of calm, clarity of thought, increased strength and flexibility, resulting in an overall improvement in health and well-being.  Hmmm, sounds like the benefits of any & all exercise...

The link took me to a YouTube Channel by Jenny Harps that has a few videos about Tibetan-style yoga.  One thing I liked is that several of them are 20+ minutes long.  I love Tara Stiles Yoga the mostest but her videos are much too short for my liking.  Another thing I liked is that the routines are gentle and not overly complicated.  In addition I like that she is middle aged, healthy, and real looking.  What a relief.

Here is the link to her 5 Tibetans video. This one comes with the standard moves, then goes through a modified routine that enhances the 5 moves to make them more challenging and strengthening.

And here is a link to her Core Flow video.  I like how this engages and stretches your core, and is 25 minutes long.  I did find myself thinking "move faster" in the long and empty silences filled with her breathing into a microphone, but that's just me.  I solved this by following her advice and doing the moves more times than just 5, up to 21 times.  21? Random, I know.  Must be a magic number.

I have this vision of me getting up at 6 am, doing The 5 Tibetan Rites, scripture reading and praying, all before the girls wake up.  Seems like it might make for a really smiley & peaceful morning, with me all centered and everything.  Wouldn't that be something?

Oh, the new things we learn each day!

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