Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Balanced Diet & Dismantling eating "Raw"

As if we needed any more evidence to eat a well-balanced seasonal diet, I found this great article on Fiterazzi, about the Raw Diet, the 80-10-10 diet, and something called Ayruveda.  Find the article here.

This article, written by Sara Ketabi who is an avid Ayruvedic, discusses the concept of balance in our diets and the benefits of eating oils, proteins, fiber, and natural sugars together for the optimal digestive and nutrient absorption benefits.

She also discusses the dangers of eating so much raw food out of season and in such ridiculous quantities.  Some of them are: feeling cold, wak, forgetful, moody, anxious, instable.  Lack of whole grains can cause hair loss, digestive problems, illness, low blood sugar, & low blood pressure.  Eating all raw is not beneficial to everyone, and just like all things, what works for some may not work for you.

Ayruveda (an ancient medical treatise summarizing the Hindu art of healing and prolonging life) I'll admit, is a little out there for me.  It seems complicated and over-thought.  I do like the aspect of this system that tells us to listen to our bodies.  I don't totally subscribe to the belief that because I'm a certain Dosha (Pitta), I should eat less of foods that are "heating" like sour fruit, eggs, spicy foods, & onions. And chew fennel seeds after dinner to "cool my acids down".  Oh, and walk in the moonlight.  Uh-huh.  If you're mildly curious about your Dosha, take this quiz and see what it says.  It is interesting, informative, and  you may get a good chuckle out of it, which is also good for your health. (speaking of: Anyone watching Jimmy Fallon? I think I've added a good 5 years to my life from laughing the past two nights.  Hilarious.)

As we saw in the "Cake & Skinny Jeans" review, we should definitely listen to our bodies, and favor exercises, environments, & foods that we enjoy, lift our spirits, and get us moving.  Focusing on limiting or over-doing foods creates an imbalance that is hard to correct and feels miserable.

Anyway, I'd never heard of the 80-10-10 diet, but I had heard of the 80% Raw diet, which are the same thing.  I love fruit, and have often thought it's all I want to eat.  But I truly hate when my body is out of whack.  In fact, I just barely got it back into whack, and I'm doing my darndest to keep it there.

Feed your body, keep it happy, exercise to stay even-keeled.  Simple, right?

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