Monday, February 10, 2014

Where Have You Been?

Just kidding.  Where have I been is the more pertinent question.  Busy, the simple answer.  Sorry.  Now that life is somewhat back to normal, meaning only slightly more under my control than complete mayhem, I'm going to blog.

Today would be the day that I normally start another 10 day challenge.  As  you can see to the right, the peaceful yoga girl who is listening to her body didn't make much progress during her 10 day challenge.  And neither did I.  It seems that the more I focus the more impossible it becomes to listen, eat healthfully, and be happy with where I'm at.  And as my life does a death spiral into chaos my focus and commitment follow right along.  Baaaaaa.

So I'm not going to start another challenge today, rather wait until Monday the 17th.  I'm going to refocus, do some research, share some new fun things, and just relax.  Only a little.

A few experiences over the past two weeks have brought the importance of heathful eating and exercise into a fresh focus.  1) How quickly our health can leave us, and 2) how the food we eat affects our bodies.

So many things can happen that quickly change our ability to exercise and be healthy.  When our bodies and minds are fighting stress and illness we lose focus, ability, and desire to watch what we eat and take time to strengthen our bodies.  In times of stress or uncertainty I nose-dive into a miasma of sugar and bread, which only makes me feel worse.  My body is in rebellion right now, pretty upset at me for the garbage I've been feeding me.  I'll spare you the icky details, but let me assure you, it's in full rebellion.

I saw a post on Blogilates for "detox water" and it looks absolutely refreshing and delicious.  It is basically water with a bunch of fruits cut up in it, to get some digestive, cleansing, skin, and antioxidant benefits.  This could be considered a super food.  I think I'm going to try it today.  Of course, I don't have most of the ingredients on hand.  I'm not sure how badly I want to go to the grocery store.  My gut is telling me to go.  To the store.

The second aspect is how food affects our bodies.  This is an important element from "Cake & Skinny Jeans".  When we listen to how foods affect us we are more likely to choose foods that make our bodies happy.  My eldest has had some digestive issues over the past two years, and we think we've linked it to wheat.  She avoids wheat when she is feeling particularly averse to stomach cramps and spending time in the bathroom, but when she really wants something she chooses, knowing full well what the consequences will be, and lives with them.  Last week we took the plunge and went to an allergist (since it's going to be one of those health years) who is sending us this week to draw blood and get a food allergy panel and gluten tests done.  While the gluten tests are only partially conclusive, and it's possible to be sensitive to wheat (negative test result) and then develop full-on Celiac Disease in your 20s (typical pattern for girls, apparently) I hope it will tell us more completely if we need to steer her away from wheat or dairy, etc.

At this point she is willing to stay away from foods that make her gut miserable.  Another symptom of food allergy, sensitivity, or lack of nutrients, is acne.  While it is genetic, certain foods or eating habits can aggravate it.  So this is another reason we are trying to diagnose this problem.  Once they draw her blood, we are going to move into a focused trial and error period, where we remove foods for a time period and record how it affects her.  Hopefully we can come to a balanced diet for her that will free her of this gut pain and meet her needs.

Boy do I wish I was allergic to sugar.  My favorite person says I am, but the reaction isn't typical to allergies.  Haha.

Point being, I do need to continue on the road of improving my eating, increasing my fitness and strength, and living a healthy life.  While we can't always control the health challenges that come our way, it's nice to know that we do have control over some aspects of our health.  It's that much more vital to accept the responsibility for that controllable portion and do our best.

Have a great Monday, get out it the warmer weather and breathe some fresh air!

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