Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 2.8: Uncle & Goals


Not the relative, but begging for mercy.  I feel so much better.  Last week was rough for me.  Of course, I was sick, but still.  I did eat my super foods and I did have a cheat meal.  Isn't that part of the plan?

Monday.  A fresh start.  I hope you have done way better than me, exercising and snubbing sugar in all forms.  If not, start again today with a will.

It is also official:  I have set a new December record for days I've worked out.  3.  That is 300% improvement over past Decembers, so you can see why I'm so very proud.  

My December "Hail Mary" in the fitness and dramatic weight loss department has bit the dust, so I've come up with my new game plan.  My new focus goal is to work out 6 days a week.  And all I'm going to do is walk.  Yep.  Walk.  Here's why this works for me:

1.  It gets me outside.  The outdoors calls to me in a very instinctual way, and I have a burning desire to be out there.  Housework and other responsibilities can drown out this call if I let them, but I'll keep that from happening by going first thing in the morning.  Sometimes the thought of an hour sweating in the basement fills me with dread, particularly if I'm feeling stressed.  If you want to do something, you usually do it.  I want to go outside.  So I will.

2.  It clears my brain.  Instead of stewing over Christmas gifts, making phone calls, and being the secretary and last minute go-fer for 24 hours a day, I will only do that for 23 hours per day and take one hour to walk in silence (relative) and enjoy how it makes me feel.

3.  I helps me achieve a goal.  Just doing something I love will help me reach my 6 days/week goal.  And that is huge for my self-worth and sanity.  While I can't control many, many things about December, I can control this.  By making it simple, I can accomplish it.

4.  I helps me be grateful.  I am grateful for warm winter clothing.  I'm grateful for a body that functions.  I'm amazed that our bodies can create warmth as we move, and not freeze in 7 degree weather.  I love Utah's wintry, blue-sky days.  I am grateful for snow plows.  And I'm grateful that Tess has a nice warm garage, so she doesn't have to back out into the street to brush off her car, just so she doesn't have to shovel the driveway twice. :)  See?  So much to be grateful for.

So while walking uphill isn't my usual caliber of exercise and, frankly, makes me feel like a granny, it also boots my mood, accomplishes my goals, centers my thoughts, and fills my heart with gratitude.  Can't complain about that!

Today, be thankful!

1 comment:

  1. I am grateful for my gargage too:) and now that Gus is getting bigger and stronger he shovels the driveway for me. Hooray! Before the weather turned bitter cold I was running outside and it was magical. It's amazing what fresh air can do.
