Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 2.4: The Law of Inertia...and ZUMBA!!

Wait. What?

Well, I did much better yesterday.  Did you?  I haven't heard.  From anyone.  I did see that someone ran this week.  Great job!  I did strength training yesterday and it felt great.

This is where Newton's First Law of Motion comes into play: an object in motion tends to stay in motion; an object at rest tends to stay at rest.  See?  Not just for geeks.

I took a week off from specific "workouts".  I stayed active, but didn't do focused exercise.  It took some serious external/inernal force to get me moving yesterday, and now that I'm moving, I'm excited about doing it again today.  Except that yesterday at 4 pm I got a cold: sneezing, itchy eyes, etc.  So I went to bed at 8 pm.  I am still going to exercise today because there are health benefits to moving when ill.  But I am also going to nap, and go to bed early again.  My poor family.

See this article about the best and worst exercises to do when sick, since we're all susceptible:


I found (and verified) two classes tonight:

Lady Fitness Layton 8pm - Free with 3-day free trial membership
Bountiful Rec Center 9 pm - $5

I still can't find the church in Layton - and the co-worker isn't sharing :)

Keep moving through it!

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