Wednesday, March 5, 2014

New Snack Ideas!

First Snack Idea:

I love Greek yogurt.  It's an acquired taste, has a chalky aftertaste.  I love it because it has so much protein.  However, if you buy the fruit flavored kind, you wipe out all that protein with sugar content.  Yay for protein, boo for simple carbs.

Here's a solution: Add low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese to it.  This boosts the protein content of this snack.

Try half a carton of fruit or vanilla (which has less carbs than the fruit kind) Greek yogurt and 1/4 cup cottage cheese.  Top with 1/2 cup sliced fruit, maybe some flax or chia seeds for crunch and added nutrition, and you've got a protein packed snack, with flavor, without so many processed sugar carbs.  Win!  I would suggest staying away from granola, unless you can keep it under 1/4 cup.  Store bought granola is packed with sugar.  Try making your own.  I'll put a granola recipe on my things-to-find-that-turn-out-well list.

I buy Kroger brand Greek yogurt and love it.  All flavors are delicious.

Another use for Greek yogurt is to sub it in for sour cream, whole milk, and mayonnaise in any situation.  It's a no brainer for less fat and more protein in any meal.

Second Snack Idea:

Lindsay inspired me to try this, when I saw her eating it last week.  Rice cake with avocado.  It was super delicious and filling, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I think I ate it for my snack for 4 days in a row.  Yum!  After that I got creative (which for me means trying one other topping) and put almond butter and strawberries on one.  Yum, again!  I saw this picture and thought it would inspire you to try one of these options.  Give it a shot.  Rice cakes are a low-calorie vehicle for delicious foods that make you feel full and satisfied instead of deprived.  Fill them with flavor and nutrients.

Rice Cake Ideas
Apple with raisins and coconut on fruit jam 
Strawberries and berries on greek yogurt sprinkled with Chia seeds
Broccoli and mozzarella on marianara (think healthy pizza)
Nuts and dried fruit on cottage cheese  (also black bean corn salsa or similar)
Pistachios and avocado (that needs waaaaayyyy more avocado)
Peanut butter, dark chocolate, and banana slices (when you're craving dessert. so always.)

Third Snack Idea:

Control your snack portions in small containers like this ice cube tray.  Satisfy your craving for certain tastes with a small, limited amount of a variety of tastes, textures & food groups.  Even throw one square of candy in there.  Brilliant!!  Set one up each  morning and limit yourself to it.  This alone would probably save me about 500 calories a day.  No joke.

Pre-prepared snack trays! Munch without spoiling your portions :)

Don't give up - summer is just around the corner!

Have a delicious & healthy week!!

1 comment:

  1. I just bought Greek yogurt to replace mayo and sour cream (we usually go through a tub a week, I'm not kidding) wish me luck!!!!!! and I gotta try cottage cheese mixed in with it... Interesting.
