Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Second 10: YOU DID IT!

Way to go!

You've finished another 10 day challenge.  20 days of healthy eating and improving your health.  You are awesome!  What next?  It's almost Christmas, and the fun food is just beginning, as are family activities, parties and the kids' winter break.  Time will be at a premium.  What to do?

Find a plan that works for you.  If you've been consistent in your workout times, don't relent.  Keep that appointment blocked for yourself.

Keep drinking lots and lots and lots of water.  Your urine (ewww) should be light yellow to clear.

You've begun eating more healthfully.  Continue to write everything you eat down, healthy or not.  This will help you be honest with yourself and provide a picture of your eating habits.  You have seen what a clean eating pattern looks like, and if you keep writing it down you just might shame yourself out of that second handful of homemade almond roca.  You now know how eating healthy makes you feel.  When I overload on sugar I feel bloated and gassy.  I feel horrible and yucky.  Think about how you'll feel eating sugary fatty foods and choose to feel good.

I heard someone say once that you should only eat something if it's the best you've ever tasted.  Or you're really hungry.  Take a look at this hunger chart. It may help you avoid over eating, boredom eating, and help you focus on what your body is really telling you:

Monday I was cooking dinner, and suddenly got really faint feeling, broke out into a sweat, and was really shaky.  I realized that I hadn't eaten for about 5 hours.  This is extremely rare for me because typically I am a grazer and eat every 2-3 hours.  I am officially in my "Christmas Anxiety/Excitement Mode" where I have constant butterflies about Christmas until it arrives and I can't discern hunger from the butterflies.  Bizarre, I know, but an annoying fact of my life.  I had let myself get into the 1-2 level and was physically suffering from it.  I downed half an orange Fanta and had a couple crackers and my blood sugar leveled off again.  Point is, don't let yourself get so low.

If you also eat to experience flavor and texture (like I do) eat your single serving  s l o w l y, savoring each bite.

True hunger is a polite reminder from your stomach, not your brain.
If your brain is telling you to eat, it's trying to tell you something else, so figure out what that is.  A hug? A stimulating conversation?  A drink of water?  A nap?  A time out?  A workout?  A good book?  A project?    Keep this in mind and you can stay in control.  And put down that second helping of candy.  I'm talking to myself, naturally.

Let me know if you want to put the challenges on hold until after the New Year.  I'm thinking that would be best, but I don't want anyone to backslide.  What do you think?


  1. I'll be honest.... I have cheated a lot this week. The stress of Christmas and Eric still chasing a job opportunity that seems out of reach some days sends me to the pantry. The good news is I have been working out at least 3 times a week sometimes 5 times and I'm eating better for breakfast and lunch. I love to read your words of wisdom. So I say keep them coming!

    1. I know Christmas is tough. I'm so excited to start again in January, though. Fully prepared to commit. And go to Zumba...happy times ahead!

  2. I love reading your posts!! Im not totally on board with this plan but definitely learning a lot! Haha just can't say goodbye to the sugar...not around christmas time! :)
